Monday, September 10, 2007

An object that is really important to me is a cookbook put together with my families recipes. I chose the cookbook because I love to carry on traditions and every time I make something from it feel I am doing that.
When I open the cookbook I look through all the recipes that my relatives have made and I remember a lot of them from my childhood. Almost all of the recipes in there stir up a memory of mine since my mom and grandmother used to make them when I was younger. When my children help me cook it reminds me of the times I helped my grandmother and how much I enjoyed just spending that time with her. By making the food with my kids I hope I am creating wonderful memories for them and also new ones for me. Some of the recipes in the book have been around for a very long time and it’s neat to think that they are still being made even today. I feel that dinner with the family brings you closer together so I enjoy using recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. I can’t wait to pass on all of the families favorites to my children someday.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Whoa! Give this a second shot, please. You use the word 'recipes' a dozen times without ever telling us what kinds of food you're talking about--and it makes a difference! Are we talking old timer's from-scratch or church supper casseroles or what?