Friday, August 31, 2007

Graf #2

The teacher that comes to mind when I think of worst teacher is a substitute I had in second grade. She was an older woman with grey hair that didn’t even seem to like kids all that much. She would sub for our teacher often but one day in particular sticks out in my mind still today.
We had a spelling test that day and when we were finished she had us switch papers with the person next to us. I had to switch my test with a girl that was known for being very smart and having a lot of money. As we were going down the list she was getting all of them correct until we came to the very last word. I don’t remember what the word was now but I do remember she had an “a” where an “e” was supposed to be so I had to mark it incorrect. Well, when I handed her paper back she started to cry and say she knows she spelled the word correct. The teacher came right over to see what was wrong. While she was sobbing she managed to say “I must have switched the “e” to an “a” so she would get it wrong.” The teacher then looked at me and asked if I switched the letters on her paper. I kept telling her over and over again that I didn’t switch her letters she really didn’t spell in wrong. I didn’t switch the letter but why would she believe me over a girl who never made mistakes. When it was all said and done she let her switch the red mark for incorrect to a green mark for correct. At the end of the day the teacher would always give stickers to all of the kids, which was something we all looked forward to. We all lined up to get our stickers before we went home. When it was my turn to get mine she didn’t give me one. She just looked at me and said I am sorry Melody but you don’t get one today since you changed Wendy’s answer on her test.
That has stuck with me all these years, it is a big deal when you’re in second grade and you don’t get a sticker for the day. The thing that upset me the most was that I didn’t change her answer on the test; she really did get it wrong.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Promt #1

Alone in a quiet room. Getting here was quite a journey.....

It has been a very busy and long day today. My oldest son went off to kindergarten so you might think it would be a little quieter at the house today, well it wasn't. My son wasn't home but I have two little girls at home with mommy. For the most part it wasn't that crazy when my son was in school, but a soon as he walked through the door it was the loudest I have heard it in a long time. My oldest daughter was screaming and hugging her brother saying how much she missed her Keaton. He was giving her big hugs back and letting her know that he also missed her. I was thinking wow this is going great then all of a sudden they both were just at each other, the happy screams turned into not so happy screams. They were making faces at each other and my son was doing stuff I swear I had never seen before. I was already thinking great look what he has learned in school. All I heard was "mom she is taking my toy", "mom he isn't letting me play". Finally my son just broke down in tears and just wanted to be alone. He had such a long day at school he was overwhelmed with everything and everyone. When he came back out everything was much better the rest of the night. Even tough it was noisy it was good noisy. They decided to play nicely together while there younger sister was trying to make noises and be as loud as she could be so someone would play with her. She is only four months old so the noises that she makes are a little cuter. They helped me get dinner ready and set the table. They both sat right up to the table and ate a pretty good dinner, which is really good in our house. I think they were both so tired they really didn't have the energy to fight eating tonight. When we were all finished eating we washed up, read some books, and went to bed. It was almost time to relax and have some quiet time. I just had to put the baby in her pajamas, feed her before bed and pray she goes right to sleep.

All the kids are in their rooms not a sound to be heard, everyone is fast asleep and the quiet time is well worth the wait .

Graf #1

When I look at my hands the first thing I notice are the long white scars on my left hand. I received both of them when I was in grade school. The first one I got in gym class when someone was running and ran into me my pushing my hand into my mouth, which was full of braces. The second one isn't even an inch apart and looks the exact same way. I got that one when my friend accidentally stabbed me with a pencil. Even though those scars are very small they bring back many memories.

I have a family now so my hands are usually busy doing mom and wife things. My fingernails used to be kept very nicely but now I am lucky if they are clean and all the same length. Most of the time they are busy holding my four month old daughter. My hands are the happiest when I am holding her tiny head, that's when all the memories of my three children come back to me. When I am holding their tiny little hand in mine nothing else seems to matter.

My hands have held many hands in times of happiness and sadness. They are getting to look older now but I wouldn't change them for anything. When I look down at my hands I remember where I have been and can't wait to see where I will end up next.