Friday, September 7, 2007

graf #4

I am 5 foot 2 with brownish red hair and brown eyes. I have two tattoos one on my ankle and one on my foot. I am an only child. I am a wife, a mother and a friend. I have been married for eight years and have three children. I stay home with my children except on Thursdays when I work with children with autism. There is a scar under my nose which happened when I was in kindergarten while running up some stairs. I love to cook just about anything especially if it’s chocolate. I enjoy being with my friends and hanging around family. I have always enjoyed fashion and clothes for my family or myself. Summer is my favorite season even though fall is a close second. I am shy but outspoken when I feel I need to be. I grew up around horses and would have one now if they weren’t so expensive. I love animals so if I could I would take all of them that needed homes home with me. I do have two mini dachshunds, Vienna and Bowser and three cats, Mandu, Stanley, and Hazel. My favorite color is pink my favorite flowers are lilacs and my favorite number is three. I take hula lessons (Hawaiian hula), which is a lot of fun. I shake my right leg all the time out of habit which drives people crazy. Everyone that knows me knows that I think everything happens for a reason.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

It's the hula lessons that clinch it for me--you definitely are unique, not that you ever doubted it!