Sunday, November 4, 2007

essay #5

I finally found out how to survive the day with three young children. It took a little getting used to adding the third child into the mix but as long as I keep in mind three basic “rules” it makes each day a good day. I feel there are certain elements that help me get through the day as long as I follow them. One thing I try to keep in mind is a flexible routine. I feel children need that in their life. The next thing I have learned is to listen they just want someone to hear them. Then the last is to laugh when I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs. Laughing helps the situation a little more then yelling would.

I don’t follow a strict schedule by any means but I do try to have some kind of routine for the day. I have never been one of those moms who check the clock to see if it is time for the kids to have a nap or see if it is time to eat again. We do have nap time around the same time and eat around the same time each day it just doesn’t have to be exact. Each day I try to have different activities planned in my head just incase my kids think they are bored. I have an art project, cooking or even going outside and playing on the swing set. As long as I have a back up there won’t be any meltdowns.

Most of the day my kids say, “Mommy watch this”, “Mommy listen to me”, “Mommy come play with me". So for the most part I try to sit down and play with them and listen as much as possible. I’m not saying I don’t have those days where I don’t take a moment to play but I find those days more difficult. Now that Keaton is older he likes to play by himself but every once in awhile he will want me to play cars with him after school. So we will get out some of his hot wheels and drive them along is mat on the floor. For the most part he just wants me to listen to him tell jokes or for him to tell me a story about his day. Marnie is two so she is still wants my attention all the time. We will play house together or dress up but if that is not enough I will have her help me around the house so I can get things done also. She loves to help me do laundry, cook, even clean she is a great helper and as long as I keep her involved she’s happy. Right now at this point Piper doesn’t care who is giving her attention as long as someone is. She enjoys sitting on her play mat and watching her brother and sister play. We all will get down on the floor with her and talk to her for awhile and show her new toys and she thinks that is the best. I try to keep my kids involved with the activities of the day because it makes it so much smoother.

There have been many times I thought I would lose my cool and I have many times lost it many times but it doesn’t get me anywhere. When I don’t think I can handle one more whine or one more argument I just laugh. It always makes me feel much better and it helps me so I don’t lose my cool. All of my kids seem to always need something at the exact same time so if I’m not doing it as fast as they think I should I just laugh even it is just to myself it helps me to relax. Laughing is one of the best medicines you can give to anyone so I try to make my children laugh so they also will feel better.

Raising children can be very difficult and challenging at times but the good always outweighs the bad. The three “rules” I try to follow everyday help me to stay sane and help my kids be more relaxed. I still have a lot more to learn as my journey in parenting continues but as long as I make each day a happy one I feel like I accomplished something.


johngoldfine said...

I can't help contrasting this with the process essay which was so full of loving details and just snapped and bounced across the page.

This one has the structure, is carefully put together (I can see that) but seems like it was written at the end of your tether.

Putting it in your hands: I'll take and pass it if you want, or take it back and try a little CPR with it.

MTracy said...

I can see that I was having a lot of trouble with this one and I was feeling the same way. I am having a hard time getting it to flow but I will see if I can figure out what I am missing. Thanks