A lot of people say that birth order has a lot to do with their personality. I’m not sure it does, I only know that I have three amazing children and each one is unique in their own way. Keaton is 5, Marnie is 2 and Piper is 6 months. They all have very different personalities but you can really see it in the older two since Piper is still growing into hers. The differences between Keaton and Marnie are countless but there is a few that stick out in my mind more then others. Keaton is a very caring little boy always willing to please others. Marnie is also caring but she is in it for herself. Keaton is cautious with things he doesn’t know where Marnie dives right in. Keaton loves to wrestle and play hard, Marnie is content to sit and play dolls or dress up
Keaton is more cautious in certain situations. When at school or playing sports he usually asks the teacher or coach what he should do next, it is like he is afraid to make a mistake. The soccer coach will tell all the kids to go to the second field so most of the kids start running over while Keaton stands back and waits to see what the coach is going to do. I wish he dared to go out on a limb every once in awhile. Marnie dives in with both feet no matter what it is. She is most likely the first one in her gymnastics class to try one of the new jumps on the trampoline or the new way to hang on the bars. She isn’t afraid at all; in fact sometimes I wish she was a little more cautious.
Keaton is the first child so he had our attention all to himself until his sister came along. We used to do everything for him from picking up his toys to brushing his teeth so now it is harder to get him motivated to do things all on his own. He is always taking his time, I often hear “but mom can’t you do it?” He will get dressed and brush his teeth by himself but that is after countless times of saying “Keaton hurry up we are going to be late, let’s go!” Marnie on the other hand is very independent. We didn’t pick up after her as much or brush her teeth for her since we had two to tend to. She learned very fast to do it on her own and realized she liked this independence. She wants to do everything on her own she always says “No mom I can do it” and she usually can. She is always the first one to get dressed and to brush her teeth without any complaints.
Keaton is a very thoughtful little boy he is constantly thinking of others feeling. He will draw a picture to cheer anyone in his family up if they aren’t feeling good that day or just because. The picture is usually of a rainbow and the sun or the person’s house with their car in the driveway. Whenever it is someone’s birthday he wants to call them up so he can sing happy birthday to them. Marnie is also thoughtful only in a different way. She is a big helper if I need anything she is the girl to ask. She always wants to help out and to please that way. If Piper has lost a toy she is the first one to find it or if I am baking something she wants to help me make it. She is my little mother hen.
It is amazing to watch your children grow into their own person. I look at them and they are so similar in many ways but yet so different. It has been the two of them for awhile but now that Keaton is in school they are staring to branch off from each other amore and more. Keaton is bringing is friends home and playing with cars or playing rough just doing boy things. For the longest time Marnie wanted to do anything her big brother did but since Keaton has started school she has learned to make her own decisions instead of having her big brother do it for her. Instead of playing with cars she will go over to her dress up and dance around in her ballerina outfit. It’s neat to see her actually picking up toys to play with and doing something she enjoys something girly. I can’t wait to see what Piper has to add to the mix when she gets a little older.
1 comment:
Yeah, the added material certainly juices it for this reader. Good!
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