Thursday, October 25, 2007

process essay

Every night come 7:15 we start our nighttime routine. I can always tell when it is getting close to bed time; Keaton starts to whine a little more, Marnie starts to instigate her big brother and Piper wants to cuddle close. Basically the same three steps have to happen every night before we all drift off into our own wonderful dreams.

Marnie is trying to get her skinny little legs into her pajamas faster then her brother. She already has her shirt on but it has the tag sticking right up into her face because she always puts it on backwards. Keaton is either jumping around or making funny faces at his littlest sister Piper, he hasn’t even started to get his pajamas on yet. Meanwhile Marnie is still trying to get her feet in the right holes and finally she does it but yet again they are on backwards. She stands there all proud of herself with her hands on her hips and says with her squeaky little voice “I beat you Keaton”. Then of course Keaton turns around and says annoyed “Mom I didn’t know we were getting our pajamas on” I had only asked him three times prior to get his pajamas on but he was too busy sticking his tongue out at Piper. During this whole process I managed to change Pipers diaper and get her into clean pajamas. We are all dressed in our PJs and ready to brush our teeth.

As they are running down the hall they are hollering it is my turn tonight, no it’s my turn. We take turns every night on who gets to go first so we don’t have a huge melt down. Keaton hops up on the stool and sees himself in the mirror so again begins to make faces at himself. I am trying to brush his teeth while he is trying to stick is tongue out of his mouth as far as possible. I ask him to please stop making faces so I can brush his teeth. He listens and stops making faces only to begin to tell me exactly what went on at school today. All day I have tried to get him to tell me what he did in school and it is like pulling teeth I only get a few little details. So he figures the best time to tell me is when I have a toothbrush shoved in his mouth. Next it is Marnies turn she doesn’t even want me to hold her toothbrush she has to do it all on her own. I have to constantly tell her to spit because she loves to eat the toothpaste. She moves her princess toothbrush over the front of her teeth about 5o times never touching her side teeth. I pry the toothbrush from her hands and finish the sides of her teeth. She finishes up with a big glass of water that she swishes in that petite mouth of hers and spits back into the sink over and over again until it is all gone. We are all set in the bathroom now it’s time to pick out books.

We go to Keaton’s room and they each get to pick out a book. Keaton usually picks a poem book from Shel Silverstein. It doesn’t matter which one we rotate between them all. Marnie isn’t into the poems yet so she gets a book that has the sounds on the side…fun! We all jump on the bed with Piper in tow. Keaton is on the left side of me Piper is in my lap and Marnie on the right side and I couldn’t forget about our two dogs at my feet. We read the noise book first these are the books that show you the picture next to the words and every time you see it you push that button. Let me tell you Marnie does not miss a button we have to push it every single time. Piper is gets all excited over the pictures so she tries to grab the book and chew on it while Keaton is upset because he can’t see. Then we move on to the poems. Keaton sits very quietly with a big smile on his face because finally he gets to hear what he wants to hear. Piper isn’t as interest since it isn’t making noise and there aren’t any bright colors so she starts to play with her feet. Marnie listens to a few poems but that is as long as she can stay focused so she starts to bounce on the bed. Keaton gets upset and asks her to please stop he is trying to listen to the poems, she acts like she hears nothing and continues to bounce. I manage to get her to sit still by giving her another book to look at while I finish with two more poems for Keaton. Finally, it is time to go to sleep.

We are all done with our books and it is sleepy time. I tuck Keaton in first which has to be exactly the way he wants it with is pillow above his head, his car pillow on the right side of him and the blankets pulled over his face. I give him a big hug and kiss, turn on his nightlight and head into Marnies room. Marnie has to have her nightlight on, her fairy light on and her hello kitty light plugged in and we can’t forget her Mr. doo duck. I don’t know how the yellow blanket with the duck head on it ever got that name but that is what she calls him. I give her a hug and kiss and close her door. Then when they are in bed I get to tuck Piper into bed which is so easy I lay her on her back in the crib cover her legs with a blanket, give her a kiss and turn her mobile on and she is out like a light. All those steps and we still get to bed no later then 7:45 pretty good I must say. I wouldn’t change the bedtime routine with my kids for anything.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

graf #10

It is nice knowing I can turn on the computer and jump online if I ever have a question about something. The things I research are items I may want to purchase or toys for my kids, and which are the best products out there for your money. Another thing I research a lot is autism since I work with children with autism it is very fascinating and there is always something new out there. It is amazing all the information you can find now. When my children get sick I like to know that I can type in the symptoms and usually find something online. Even though it is nice to do the research on your own sometimes it can bring you to a totally different conclusion then what it really is. There is so much out there now so I do think it is really important to research as much as you can so you don’t draw a conclusion to fast. As far as school stuff I am new to really researching for school since I am just starting this new phase in my life so it should be interesting.

Friday, October 19, 2007

annotated source list

“Alternative Hawaii.” Google. 13 October 2007

This had a lot of information on the culture. It also helped me to see that it is a sacred ritual so the dancers need to really become fwhat the music is talking about wether it bee a flower or an animal.

“Indian child.” Google.13 October 2007

Another good website even though it doesn’t offer a lot information the information it does offer is very meaningful.

“Aloha Magazine.” Google.15 October 2007

This website talks about the chanting and some of the implements they use. It talks about the different ways hula can be done and the many instruments that are used.

“Hawaiian Language.” Google.15 October 2007

On this website there was a page with Hawaiian songs on them with the English translation. I’m not sure this will help me with my songs but if I could see if my teacher could translate the words and copy them that might help.

“iefit.” Google.15 Ocober2007

I was looking for excercises to help with hula and it brought up many websites showing videos to buy. This one that I chose actually shows a number of videos showing you the basic hula moves along with strengthening your body.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

contrast essay 2

A lot of people say that birth order has a lot to do with their personality. I’m not sure it does, I only know that I have three amazing children and each one is unique in their own way. Keaton is 5, Marnie is 2 and Piper is 6 months. They all have very different personalities but you can really see it in the older two since Piper is still growing into hers. The differences between Keaton and Marnie are countless but there is a few that stick out in my mind more then others. Keaton is a very caring little boy always willing to please others. Marnie is also caring but she is in it for herself. Keaton is cautious with things he doesn’t know where Marnie dives right in. Keaton loves to wrestle and play hard, Marnie is content to sit and play dolls or dress up

Keaton is more cautious in certain situations. When at school or playing sports he usually asks the teacher or coach what he should do next, it is like he is afraid to make a mistake. The soccer coach will tell all the kids to go to the second field so most of the kids start running over while Keaton stands back and waits to see what the coach is going to do. I wish he dared to go out on a limb every once in awhile. Marnie dives in with both feet no matter what it is. She is most likely the first one in her gymnastics class to try one of the new jumps on the trampoline or the new way to hang on the bars. She isn’t afraid at all; in fact sometimes I wish she was a little more cautious.

Keaton is the first child so he had our attention all to himself until his sister came along. We used to do everything for him from picking up his toys to brushing his teeth so now it is harder to get him motivated to do things all on his own. He is always taking his time, I often hear “but mom can’t you do it?” He will get dressed and brush his teeth by himself but that is after countless times of saying “Keaton hurry up we are going to be late, let’s go!” Marnie on the other hand is very independent. We didn’t pick up after her as much or brush her teeth for her since we had two to tend to. She learned very fast to do it on her own and realized she liked this independence. She wants to do everything on her own she always says “No mom I can do it” and she usually can. She is always the first one to get dressed and to brush her teeth without any complaints.

Keaton is a very thoughtful little boy he is constantly thinking of others feeling. He will draw a picture to cheer anyone in his family up if they aren’t feeling good that day or just because. The picture is usually of a rainbow and the sun or the person’s house with their car in the driveway. Whenever it is someone’s birthday he wants to call them up so he can sing happy birthday to them. Marnie is also thoughtful only in a different way. She is a big helper if I need anything she is the girl to ask. She always wants to help out and to please that way. If Piper has lost a toy she is the first one to find it or if I am baking something she wants to help me make it. She is my little mother hen.

It is amazing to watch your children grow into their own person. I look at them and they are so similar in many ways but yet so different. It has been the two of them for awhile but now that Keaton is in school they are staring to branch off from each other amore and more. Keaton is bringing is friends home and playing with cars or playing rough just doing boy things. For the longest time Marnie wanted to do anything her big brother did but since Keaton has started school she has learned to make her own decisions instead of having her big brother do it for her. Instead of playing with cars she will go over to her dress up and dance around in her ballerina outfit. It’s neat to see her actually picking up toys to play with and doing something she enjoys something girly. I can’t wait to see what Piper has to add to the mix when she gets a little older.

Monday, October 15, 2007

contrast essay

A lot of people say that birth order has a lot to do with their personality. I’m not sure it does, I only know that I have three amazing children and each one is unique in their own way. Keaton is 5, Marnie is 2 and Piper is 6 months. They all have very different personalities but you can really see it in the older two since Piper is still growing into hers. The differences between Keaton and Marnie are countless but there is a few that stick out in my mind more then others. Keaton is a very caring little boy always willing to please others. Marnie is also caring but she is in it for herself. Keaton is cautious with things he doesn’t know where Marnie dives right in. Keaton loves to wrestle and play hard, Marnie is content to sit and play dolls or dress up

Keaton is cautious with his actions. When at school or playing sports he usually asks the teacher or coach what he should do next, it is like he is afraid to make a mistake. I wish he dared to go out on a limb every once in awhile. Marnie dives in with both feet no matter what it is. She is most likely the first one in her gymnastics class to try something new and to do it to her fullest. She isn’t afraid at all in fact sometimes I wish she was a little more cautious.

Keaton is the first child so he had our attention all to himself until his sister came along. We used to do everything for him so now it is harder to get him motivated to do things all on his own. He is always taking his time doing something I often hear “but mom can’t you do it?” He will get dressed and brush his teeth by himself but that is after countless times of saying “Keaton hurry up we are going to be late, let’s go!” Marnie on the other hand is very independent. She wants to do everything on her own she always says “No mom I can do it” and she usually can. She is always the first one to get dressed and to brush her teeth without any complaints.

Keaton is a very thoughtful little boy he is constantly thinking of others feeling. He will draw a picture to cheer them up or want to call just to talk so hopefully he can make them feel better. Marnie is also thoughtful only in a different way. She is a big helper if I need anything she is the girl to ask. She is always wants to help out and to please that way. If Piper has lost a toy she is the first one to find it or if I am baking something she wants to help me make it. She is my little mother in that way.

It is amazing to watch your children grow into their own person. I look at them and they are so similar in many ways but yet so different. It has been the two of them for awhile but now that Keaton is in school they are staring to branch off from each other amore and more. Keaton is bringing is friends home and playing with cars or playing rough just doing boy things. For the longest time Marnie wanted to do anything her big brother did but since Keaton has started school she has learned to make her own decisions instead of having her big brother do it for her. Instead of playing with cars she will go over to her dress up and dance around in her ballerina outfit. It’s neat to see her actually picking up toys to play with and doing something she enjoys something girly. I can’t wait to see what Piper has to add to the mix when she gets a little older.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Some people can automatically put emotion behind anything, me on the other hand has a hard time doing that. Some of the woman I dance with you can see on there faces all the emotion they put into it. I wish I knew how they do that. You can look in some of there eyes and just see that they are into the song and all the meaning that is behind it. I’m not sure why hula started I think it had something to do with wanting to tell a story through dancing and performing. I lack the knowledge to tell a story with my face and with my moves during dances. During the dances you hear a lot of chanting in the songs I believe it’s letting the audience know what the dance is about. I don’t know what they are saying all the time so it is hard for me to connect with the different dances. It is hard to show the audience the story when I don’t I don’t know the whole story a lot of the time. When you are performing you change your outfits according to the song you are doing. For a slow hula dance you usually wear a long dress and for most of the other dances you wear a long full skirt and a top that looks kind of like a tube top but it isn’t fitted.

In hula you have to stay very low basically squatting most of the time you’re dancing, so your legs need to be strong. I think that by doing squats at home that would help with my endurance when it comes to this. I don’t have issues with learning the dances because I can continue to practice until I get it right. I would like it if my legs wouldn’t shake when I have done the same move over and over again because they are so tired. I guess practice makes perfect.

contrast 3

I have three amazing children Keaton is 5, Marnie is 2 and Piper is 6 months. They all have very different personalities but you can really see it in the older two since Piper is still growing into hers. The differences between Keaton and Marnie are countless but there is a few that stick out in my mind more then others. Keaton is a very caring little boy always willing to please others. Marnie is also caring but she is in it for herself. Keaton is cautious with things he doesn’t know where Marnie dives right in. Keaton loves to wrestle and play hard, Marnie is content to sit and play dolls or dress up. A lot of people say that birth order has a lot to do with their personality. I’m not sure it does, I only know that I have three children and each one is unique in their own way.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Why? 2

When I am dancing my teacher Marybeth always tells me to put more emotion into my dancing. I have a hard time showing more emotion since I don’t know that much about the background of hula. I am hoping that if I know more of the background it will help me to connect more. I want to improve in my dancing overall emotionally and physically.

Will knowing the traditions help me connect more with Hula?

Will lower body exercises improve my dance moves in hula?

Will knowing the history help me be more emotional with my dances?

Are there certain techniques that I can do on my own to help me become a better hula dancer overall?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


When I am dancing my teacher Marybeth always tells me to put more emotion into my dancing. I have a hard time showing more emotion since I don’t know that much about the background of hula. I am hoping that if I know more of the background it will help me to connect more. I want to improve in my dancing emotionally and physically.

Why did hula start?

What does the chanting during the dancing mean?

Are there any exercises I can do to make me stronger for hula?

What do the different outfits mean for the different dances?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Isearch background broken down

I have always loved dance but never could find the time or money to continue to go. I took some dance lessons when I was younger but didn’t continue with them. Gymnastics was probably my favorite and the one I stuck with the longest. I eventually stopped going so I could play sports in school. The last time I took any kind of dance lessons were Jazz and that was when I was in high school. I didn’t enjoy going because we didn’t learn dances it was more just the different steps. I know in order to do dances you have to know the steps but I got to bored I need something more to keep me interested. After a few months I decided not to go any longer.

When I would go in to get my hair done my hairdresser would talk about a hula class she was taking. She said it was a lot of fun and they learned different dances so they could perform for people. She had been taking lessons for a few months and really enjoyed it. The more and more I heard her talk about it the more I was interested and thought I should give it a try. She said that the hula group was going to perform at her birthday party so I should go and check it out. I couldn’t make it to her party but my mother ended up going and telling me all about it. She said they had on beautiful outfits for each dance they performed. There was only about 5 ladies dancing and then about 4 little girls.

I finally called the teacher; Marybeth to see when I could come by. She holds classes on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday so any day would be fine. I also learned that her house which is where she has the class was only five minutes away from mine. A friend and I decided to go a week later and try it out. I wanted a time where I could do something for myself I have three wonderful kids and a husband at home but sometimes it is nice to do something for your self. I thought this was perfect since the class wasn’t very much money and it wasn’t that far away both of those are important to me since I didn’t want to take away from my family. I figured I deserved a little time away.

contrast intro 2

There are a lot of people out there that say birth order or the sex of your child affects their personality. I’m not sure it does but I do know that I have three children and they are different in many ways. My two oldest children are starting to show their personalities everyday but my youngest is still growing into hers. My son Keaton is 5 and my older daughter Marnie is 2 and their personalities are what make them unique.

contrast intro 1

I have three children a boy who is 5 years old a girl who is 2 and another girl who is 6 months. All of their personalities are so different you can really see it in my older two since my 6 month old Piper is just finding hers. Keaton my 5 year old is so cautious and caring and Marnie my 2 year old is a dare devil and loving they are like night and day. It is so fun to see them grow into there own personalities and how they can be so much alike but yet be so different.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Isearch background

I have always loved dance but never could find the time or money to continue to go. I took some dance lessons when I was younger but didn’t stick with them. I tryed ballet and tap the two that most little girls try when they are young. I enjoyed both but I didn' t continue to go because a lot of my friends stopped going and I didn't want to do it if I was by myself. I took gymnastics with my cousin when I was little, which was probably my favorite and the one I stayed with the longest. I eventually stopped going so I could play sports in school. The last time I took any kind of dance lessons were when I took Jazz and that was when I was in high school. I didn’t enjoy going because we didn’t learn dances it was more just the different steps. I know in order to do dances you have to know the steps but I got to bored I needed something more to keep me interested. I have always wanted to get back into dance so when I would go in to get my hair done my hairdresser would talk about a hula class she was taking. She said it was a lot of fun and they learned different dances so they could perform for people. She had been taking lessons for a few months and really enjoyed it. The more and more I heard her talk about it the more I was interested and thought I should give it a try. She said that the hula group was going to perform at her birthday party so I should go and check it out. I couldn’t make it to her party but my mother ended up going and telling me all about it. She said they had on beautiful outfits for each dance they performed. There was only about 5 ladies dancing and then about 4 little girls. I finally called the teacher; Marybeth to see when I could come by. She holds classes on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday so any day would be fine. I also learned that her house which is where she has the class was only five minutes away from mine. A friend and I decided to go a week later and try it out. I wanted a time where I could do something for myself I have three wonderful kids and a husband at home but sometimes it is nice to do something for your self. I thought this was perfect since the class wasn’t very much money and it wasn’t that far away both of those are important to me since I didn’t want to take away from my family. I figured I deserved a little time away.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

classification essay

My stomach is in knots, my hands are covering my face just enough so that I can still peak out through them. I ask my husband over and over again what is happening because I want to know so bad but sometimes I can’t watch That is how it is when I am watching a horror movie. I enjoy a really entertaining movie but horror movies are still right there at the top. There are all types of horror movies but I have broken them down into three categories a gore fest, a creature feature and a slasher.

What I like to throw in the category of gore fest are all those movies that have a poor story line and a lot of blood. These movies are usually so unbelievable it makes them funny rather then scary. When my husband was in college we would rent what we call a gore fest movie and just laugh at most of them because they usually had horrible actors and a horrible story line. These movies usually don’t care about the plot they just try to squeeze in as much gross stuff as possible. We don’t watch these movies all that often anymore but if we want a movie that doesn’t involve a lot of thinking then we will pick one up.

The next category is creature feature, any movie that has some creature doing the harassing. Personally one of my favorites is Jaws. I could sit and watch that movie a hundred times even though I know what is coming next. We still watch it every time it happens to be on TV. Another good one is Ghost in the Darkness. This movie is about two lions that are after the people in Africa. Both Jaws and Ghost in the Darkness are suspenseful and I couldn’t wait to see what is going to happen next. Any movie that has a creature of some sort whether it is an animal or an alien would fall under this category.

The last category is a slasher which is my favorite. This one is the one where I have to hide my eyes through most of the movie. They are the most terrifying to me because most of the time it could really happen, as scary as that sounds. Scream would fall under a slasher. When that movie first came out there was no other movie quite like it. When I watched it I would jump at all the parts that you were supposed to jump at. I find that during these movies I am hollering at some girl to turn around, don’t go up the stairs, and run! Personally I like to watch the movies that jump and keep me wonder what is going to come next not the ones that turn my stomach the whole time I am watching.

As much as I still love horror movies I have noticed they are getting harder for me to watch. After having children I am a little more sensitive towards them. I catch myself not only covering my eyes more but plugging my ears. I have to wonder what is the purpose of watching a movie if your hiding most of the time? Still, every time a preview for the next big horror movie comes on I find myself wanted to go to the theater to see it. That is the way to experience a scary movie with the room pitch black and the surround sound son loud it is almost unbearable. For me the way to tell if it was a really good horror movie is if you screamed out loud anytime during the movie since it takes a lot for me to do so. And yes it has happened to me, but only once.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

outro for classification

As much as I still love horror movies I have noticed they are getting harder for me to watch. After having children I am a little more sensitive towards them. I catch myself not only covering my eyes more but plugging my ears. I have to wonder what is the purpose of watching a movie if your hiding most of the time? Still, every time a preview for the next big horror movie comes on I find myself wanted to go to the theater to see it. That is the way to experience a scary movie with the room pitch black and the surround sound son loud it is almost unbearable. For me the way to tell if it was a really good horror movie is if you screamed out loud anytime during the movie since it takes a lot for me to do so. And yes it has happened to me, but only once.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

classification intro 1 and 2

I don’t know anyone out there that doesn’t like to sit down with a big bag of buttered popcorn and watch a good movie. We all have our favorites whether it is comedy, action, drama, or horror. I enjoy all types of movies but my favorite still has to be a good horror movie. Horror movies within themselves can be broken down into smaller categories. I have broken them into three; gore fest, a creature feature and a slasher.

My stomach is in knots, my hands are covering my face just enough so that I can still peak out through them. I ask my husband over and over again what is happening because I want to know so bad but sometimes I just can’t watch. That is how it is when I am watching a horror movie. I enjoy a really entertaining movie but horror movies are still right there at the top. There are all types of horror movies but I have broken them down into three categories a gore fest, a creature feature and a slasher.

Monday, October 1, 2007

classification intros 1 and 2

I have always known I wanted three kids. I am an only child and growing up I always wanted a sibling. I would bug my mother constantly to come play with me, I never left her alone. So when I started thinking about children I knew I wanted more then one. It is a big question for a lot of people. If you choose to become a parent do you have one, two, three, or more? For me it was easy I wanted three, which is how I pictured my family. It was a big surprise to see how the family dynamics changed with each child.

A person once told me that going from two to three kids is like going from man to man defense to zone. I agree completely now having three children the dynamics in the family change. I played everything over and over in my head before deciding to have our third child. I’m not even sure it was truly a planned thing but I couldn’t be happier that it happened. You have your first child and you think oh I can handle this. Then you have number two and you think well if we can handle two what it one more? So then the third one comes along and all you think is wow how can I handle all these kids?