What went wrong and what went right? All I can say is at first what did go right for me. I was getting myself so confused I was having one of those moments when nothing was making sense to me. I struggled with this at first, I knew what I was going to write about I was just going about it the wrong way. For some reason I couldn’t wrap my brain around two intros, what is so confusing about that? I thought I had to write the whole thing all at once. Anyway after I had talked to you about it and reread the assignment for the 50 time it finally clicked. Wow I was supposed to write two intros then figure out which one sounded better and then do the same with the outro. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for putting up with my hopefully temporary confusion. I can’t promise I won’t have another moment of confusion so I am apologizing and saying thanks ahead of time.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We got back to our room and tried to think of a way to get our money back since we did not want to stay here any longer. We could have taken the easy way out and just say we were not satisfied and we would like our money back. We didn’t know if that would work so we called the front desk and said we had a family emergency and we had to leave. They believed that and gave us our money and we were on our way back home. What an terrible thing to say, we didn’t have an emergency at home how awful would we have felt if something really did happen? We jumped into our car and drove the very long drive home just so we could try to get a decent honeymoon out of this week. The next day we called our travel agent and said we wanted to fly to Disney World can you make that happen? He booked us a flight that very same day and we were off. When we finally made it to Disney it was exactly how I pictured our honeymoon, it was perfect.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
essay 1
We parked our car next to an old cabin that looked liked it should be in one of those scary movies you watch late at night with your friends. It didn’t look like someplace you wanted to spend your honeymoon. We walked into the room waiting to see the amazing things this place had to offer. We looked around and saw a room stuck in the seventies, don’t get me wrong I have nothing against the seventies. I decided to put our bags down and have a look around the room. I placed our bags on the bed and as I did so I felt a moist damp hot pink comforter. That was only one of the many reasons I knew I did not want to spend my honeymoon at this place.
I couldn’t believe the bed was damp there was no way I was going to lay down and sleep on that. The room itself wasn’t all that inviting, in it was our own private red heart shaped pool which was more like a bathtub, it looked much bigger in the pictures. On the side of the “pool” there were two champagne glasses with pink candles on either side of those. There were mirrors covering one whole wall and little heart shaped soap on the sink in the bathroom. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t imagine spending a week here. My husband being the optimist that he is said “lets take a walk around then go have dinner at the resort it can’t be that bad.”
We left our cabin and started to walk around to see what we could do for fun. The brochure showed a lot of different activities that were available within the resort. We tried to find the horseback riding that we read about. We found it but you had to pay extra for that. Then we did come across some tennis courts but we can do that anytime so I was interested. We walked a little while longer and I wasn’t impressed at all, the buildings we saw were in need of a makeover. The whole place reminded me of an apartment complex not a resort. You could tell though that back in there time they were probably really nice places. The whole time we were walking we didn’t see another soul anywhere. My husband could tell I had just about had it so he pulled me into the dining room to check out the food.
The optimism didn’t work this time the dinner tasted like they pulled it out of the freezer and threw it in the oven. My husband and I both had chicken and vegetables we thought we were pretty safe with that, boy were we wrong. The chicken wasn’t all white meat (I do not like dark meat) and the vegetables looked like the veggie frozen mix you buy at the grocery store. Oh, I also ordered a side of “fresh” fruit. It had the typical cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon in it the one where all the fruit taste the same because it was all frozen together. I looked at my husband Bill and said “we can not stay here.” I wanted our first week as husband and wife to be something I always would remember not something I wanted to soon forget. We weren’t sure what to do next, if we left right now would they give us our money back?
Monday, September 24, 2007
intro 4 ?
Well, there is another reason to run as fast as we can out of this place. The optimism didn’t work this time the dinner tasted like they pulled it out of the freezer and threw it in the oven. I looked at my husband Bill and said “we can not stay here.” I wanted our first week as husband and wife to be something I always would remember not something I wanted to soon forget. We weren’t sure what to do next, if we left right now would they give us our money back?
intro 3
We left our cabin and started to walk around to see what we could do for fun. The brochure showed a lot of different activities that were available within the resort. We tried to find the horseback riding that we read about. We found it but you had to pay extra for that. Then we did come across some tennis courts but I can do that anytime so I was interested. We walked a little while longer and I wasn’t impressed at all. The whole time we were walking we didn’t see any other soul anywhere. My husband could tell I had just about had it so he pulled me into the dining room to check out the food.
intro 2
One of the reasons I had to get out of this place was because I did not want to spend my honeymoon sleeping in a moist bed staring at myself in a big mirrored wall. When I pictured my honeymoon it was nothing like this it is supposed to be breath taking. I knew we had to leave as soon as possible, we only had a week vacation and I was not spending it in this place. I was not going to sleep on a damp bed! My husband being the optimist that he is said “let’s go for a walk around and see what there is to do around here, then go to dinner at the resort and see how it is it can’t be that bad, after that we can decide what we want to do.”
Friday, September 21, 2007
Graf #8
intro 1
We parked our car next to an old cabin that looked liked it should be in one of those scary movies you watch late at night with your friends. It didn’t look like there were any other people staying in the cabins next to us, we were all alone. We walked into the room waiting to see the amazing things this place had to offer. We looked around and saw a room stuck in the seventies, don’t get me wrong I have nothing against the seventies. I decide to give it a chance so I put our bags down and walked around the room. There was our own private red heart shaped pool which was more like a bathtub, it looked much bigger in the pictures. On the side of the “pool” there were two champagne glasses with pink candles on either side. There were mirrors covering one whole wall and little heart shaped soap on the sink in the bathroom. I feel damp cold blankets as I sit down on the bed and that is when I knew we had to get out of there.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Graaf #7
My father is a wonderful man but I haven’t seen that man in a long time. There is something that has a hold of him so tightly he can’t or doesn’t want to find a way to set free. I want to be the answer to the most difficult battle he is facing.
Blood shot eyes the faint smell of mouthwash on his breath to try to hide the stench of vodka. My father is no longer taking care of his body he has given up and there is nothing I can do about it. Do you know how hard that is? I am the only child so I feel like I am the only one that can help him through this. After work he gets home sits upstairs in front of the TV with a cheap bottle of vodka by his side. I want to rip that vodka bottle out of his hand and throw it out the window, if it were only that easy. My father has his good days and bad days but lately it has been pretty bad. He has received help in the past, we all have. We had to go to the AA meetings and talk about our feelings. He managed to stay sober for a few years but it started to go down hill again after I moved out. In his mind he is fooling everyone but in reality everyone knows and wishes he would get help. When he was sober you would look into his face and see a man who was full of life, now you see a man that has no life left. Why can’t he go back to the way he used to be? Doesn’t he know he is just wasting his life away? These are some of the many questions I ask myself daily.
I know my father is the only one that can help himself he needs to admit he has a problem first. Until then no matter what anyone tries to do he will continue to drink. I try to hold onto to the man I once knew as my father. I will continue to do whatever I can to help him through this but hopefully one of these days he will realize there is more to life then just himself. I won’t and I can’t give up on him.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
graf #6
At first I didn’t really know what to do my isearch on; I had a hard time narrowing the topic down. So I found it kind of difficult to pinpoint one thing. I like the idea though because the topic is something I enjoy so it will be fun to find all the information I can on the question I have. It’s different then a regular research paper and I think it’s good to do something different instead of doing the same thing over and over again. I can only imagine what it’s like to read all of them over and over again. Well I am up for the challenge and can’t wait to get answers to my questions.
An object that is really important to me is the Tree if life family cookbook that is made up of our families favorite recipes. I chose the cookbook because I love to carry on traditions and every time I make something from I feel I am doing that. The book has everything from appetizers to drinks.
Some of my favorites are in there and some I have never tried before. A lot of the recipes in the book are from my grandmother the first recipe that comes to mind are doughnut muffins that have been a tradition since I was a little girl. We had them every Christmas morning and we still do to this day. They are a very simple muffin but as soon as you take them out of the oven you dip them in butter and then roll in sugar and cinnamon. I didn’t say they were good for you but they are so yummy. The two recipes that bring back the most memories are my grandmother’s pancakes and her peanut butter chocolate brownies. My grandparents would make the pancakes for breakfast, lunch or even dinner I didn’t care when I ate them. They have a little molasses in them and you have to eat them with real maple syrup. The last recipe is peanut butter chocolate brownies; they are my kid’s favorite. I remember I would go to my grams house after school and she would have the warm plate of brownies waiting for me. I have friends still today that talk about those brownies and request me to make them quite often.
I put in Herbed Oatmeal pan bread in the book because that is one of the things my mother-in-law made when I went over there for dinner for the first time. They are always a big hit when friends come over so I wanted to pass that on to others that haven’t tried them before. I also put in scallops my bumpa (grandfather) makes a lot. We don’t get to see them all that often but every time we go down for dinner we have is oven fried scallops. You just add butter and Ritz crackers and they are delicious. My kids still aren’t fans of the scallops but I hope the more I make them the more bites they will try.
Well I have gone on about past memories some of the recipes bring up for me and I can’t wait for all the new memories we will create while making and eating the wonderful food in the cookbook. I hope that my children use these same recipes and think back on the memories they bring up for them.
Monday, September 10, 2007
When I open the cookbook I look through all the recipes that my relatives have made and I remember a lot of them from my childhood. Almost all of the recipes in there stir up a memory of mine since my mom and grandmother used to make them when I was younger. When my children help me cook it reminds me of the times I helped my grandmother and how much I enjoyed just spending that time with her. By making the food with my kids I hope I am creating wonderful memories for them and also new ones for me. Some of the recipes in the book have been around for a very long time and it’s neat to think that they are still being made even today. I feel that dinner with the family brings you closer together so I enjoy using recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. I can’t wait to pass on all of the families favorites to my children someday.
Friday, September 7, 2007
graf #4
I am 5 foot 2 with brownish red hair and brown eyes. I have two tattoos one on my ankle and one on my foot. I am an only child. I am a wife, a mother and a friend. I have been married for eight years and have three children. I stay home with my children except on Thursdays when I work with children with autism. There is a scar under my nose which happened when I was in kindergarten while running up some stairs. I love to cook just about anything especially if it’s chocolate. I enjoy being with my friends and hanging around family. I have always enjoyed fashion and clothes for my family or myself. Summer is my favorite season even though fall is a close second. I am shy but outspoken when I feel I need to be. I grew up around horses and would have one now if they weren’t so expensive. I love animals so if I could I would take all of them that needed homes home with me. I do have two mini dachshunds, Vienna and Bowser and three cats, Mandu, Stanley, and Hazel. My favorite color is pink my favorite flowers are lilacs and my favorite number is three. I take hula lessons (Hawaiian hula), which is a lot of fun. I shake my right leg all the time out of habit which drives people crazy. Everyone that knows me knows that I think everything happens for a reason.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Graf #3
I will start on the right side:
There is a calendar with a lot of writing all over it (appointments, sport schedules.)
A lunch menu for my son’s school
A picture of a me and a girl I work with
2 appointment cards (that have already gone by)
A wish list for things we want for the house
Leap Frog alphabet magnets
Leap Frog farm and farm animal magnets
Let’s move to the front:
Five drawings my children made. A fish, bus, scribbles, our family and a dog.
Two pictures of my mini dachshunds
A picture of each one of my children in little magnet frames
A picture of my grandfather (who is no longer with us)
Paper that has John Goldfines email address on it
14 random magnets of bees and butterflies
The left side:
A list of emergency phone numbers
My husbands schedule for his soccer team
Pats Pizzas number
Two appointment cards for my dogs
Wow she has a lot on her fridge! She has leap frog magnets so she must be a mom of young children. She is probably home most of the time chasing her kids so she doesn’t have enough time to clean off her fridge. She appears to love pictures since they are taking up most of any white space that might be there. I would say she’s not sure what to do with all the beautiful drawings so she finds room for them any where she can find some. It seems like she is trying to be very organized with all her appointments and schedules but is she really organized? How can she even find anything on there? If she thinks it’s important it goes on the fridge as long as there’s a spot. If her fridge reflects her life, it must be pretty chaotic, or really organized, who knows. Oh, one more thing she must really like Pats Pizza.